HiPER Calc Pro v4.4
Requirements: 4.0 and up
HiPER Calc Pro is a propelled adaptation of HiPER Scientific Calculator.
The adding machine has up to 100 digits of significand and 9 digits of example. It distinguishes rehashing decimals and numbers in it can be additionally entered as portions or changed over to divisions.
You can likewise change to the "expression" mode where you can compose expressions actually and watch your estimations. Whenever possible, an expression is rearranged and the outcome is shown as an expression utilizing portions, square roots and ? consistent.
The mini-computer has a few formats appropriate for different screen sizes:
- "take" for little gadgets
- "conservative" for cell phones (in representation and scene introduction)
- "extended" for tablets
The multiline show can be turned on in tablets to demonstrate the total history of counts and to give get to the past outcomes.
The clients can browse a few fantastic subjects.
The number cruncher has a few capacities, for example,
- essential number juggling operations including rate, modulo and nullification;
- portions (in the expression mode any expression including settled divisions can be entered as a nominator and a denominator);
- blended numbers (not in the expression mode);
- occasional numbers and their transformation to divisions;
- boundless number of props;
- administrator need;
- rehashed operations;
- propelled number operations, for example, irregular numbers, blends, changes, basic most noteworthy divisor, and so on.;
- trigonometric and hyperbolic capacities;
- powers, roots, logarithms, and so on.;
- degrees, minutes and seconds change;
- settled point, logical and designing presentation arrange;
- show type as SI units prefix;
- memory operations with 10 amplified recollections;
- clipboard operations with different clipboard groups;
- result history;
- twofold, octal and hexadecimal numeral frameworks;
- legitimate operations;
- bitwise movements and pivots;
- haptic criticism;
- more than 90 physical constants; and
- transformation among 200 units.
The mini-computer has numerous settings to deal with the full screen mode, decimal and thousand separators, and so on.
All components are depicted with an inherent offer assistance.
What's New
- GCD and LCM can have numerous parameters
- More rate computations can be joined in an expression
- Improved Settings exchange
- New settings for 2ndF key title (move) and division key title (slice)
- New setting for driving zeros in non-decimal bases
- Distinguished Kibibyte and kilobyte and so forth.
- Left and right bolts and delete key rehashed while kept squeezed
- Conversion between any edge units in conservative mode
- Settings, memory and result history reset moved to important windows
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