Air Gesture Control - PRO v1.9
Requirements: 4.1 and up
Air Control permits you to control taking after components:
With Gallery Feature
With Phone Call Control
With Alarm Control
With System RAM Cleaner
Champ at INTEL CodeFest 2013
Air Control permits you to control taking after elements:
1. Air Gallery
- Control your Images utilizing Air Gallery
- Wave once for Next Image
- Wave twice for Previous Image
2. Music
- Control your music player utilizing Air Gesture Control
- Place and expel your hand (Hover) to play music
- Place and expel your hand (Hover) again to interruption music
- Wave once to play Next melody
- Wave twice to play Previous melody
3. Open Screen
- Control your telephone screen UnLock utilizing Air Control
- Place and expel your hand to UnLock your screen
4. Record Audio
- Record sound information utilizing Air Gesture Control
- Place and evacuate your hand to begin recording Audio
- Place and evacuate your hand again to Stop recording Audio
- Your recorded document would inside/sdcard/AirGestureControl/DateTime.mp3
5. Push Ups
- Select PushUp check box utilizing Air Gesture Control
- Place your telephone underneath your trunk and begin doing PushUps
- When finished with exercise, expel PushUp check box
6. Streak Light (Torch)
- Control your telephone Flash Light utilizing Air Control
- Place and evacuate your hand to switch on Flash light(Torch)
- Place and evacuate your hand again to turn off Flash light(Torch)
7. Ringer Volume (Silent mode)
- Control your telephone volume utilizing Air Control
- Place and evacuate your hand to Silent telephone
- Place and evacuate your hand again to Ringer mode your telephone
8. WiFi
- Control your telephone WiFi utilizing Air Control
- Place and evacuate your hand to switch on WiFi
- Place and evacuate your hand again to turn off WiFi
9. Information Connection
- Control your telephone information association utilizing Air Control
- Place and evacuate your hand to switch on Data Connection
- Place and evacuate your hand again to turn off Data Connection
10. GPS
- Control your telephone GPS utilizing Air Control
- Place and evacuate your hand to switch on GPS
- Place and evacuate your hand again to turn off GPS
11. Bluetooth
Get these wonderful components on your telephone now.
How It Works:
Air Gesture Control is a PROXIMITY sensor based application.
Each telephone has this sensor to turn off screen when talking over telephone
Nearness Controls:
1. Floating - Place your hand over Proximity sensor and expel your hand.
2. Wave Once - Wave inside the scope of Proximity sensor rapidly once
3. Wave Twice - Wave inside the scope of Proximity sensor rapidly one after other, two circumstances
Awesome for:
Driving - Focus just on driving, security first
Question and answer session Wave and record while others are hunting down an approach to record
PushUps - Use Air Gesture Control to monitor your push ups
At your work area - No compelling reason to take a gander at your telephone, change to next tune by waving
Cooking - Hands secured with oil, well simply wave at your telephone for next tune
Cleaning - Don't stress over getting earth on your telephone
Eating - No more sustenance stain on your telephone screen
Working Out-Don't tumble off the treadmill while changing to next tune
Flaunt - Well be a Ninja, Jedi or Shaolin minister, take your pick
Air Gesture Control is tried on HTC, Samsung, Sony, LG, Micromax, Karbonn, Lenovo and Lava telephones
On the off chance that there is an issue, please email me at intankcorp@gmail.com and allow me to make sense of it before leaving an awful survey!
Known Issues:
On the off chance that your telephone/Tablet does not have PROXIMITY sensor, Air Gesture Control won't chip away at your gadget.
Authorizations Needed:
Bluetooth: To switch on Bluetooth
Camera: To switch on Flash Light (Torch)
Receiver: To record Audio information
Capacity: To store recorded Audio information
Organize correspondence: To switch on WiFi
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