GravityBox KK APK v3.2.0 Unlocked
Requirements: Vanilla Android 4.4+
Overview: Gravitybox - a complex Xposed module focused for gadgets running Android 4.4,in which transforms vanilla ROM into
gimmick stuffed "non-blazing" custom ROM.
Initially, to this module was intended for Mtk6589 gadgets which need custom Roms fabricated from source because of Mediatek shut source arrangement.
Later on, it was acclimated to help other (non-MTK) gadgets running vanilla or near vanilla AOSP Roms.
The application uses astounding Xposed system coded by perceived
engineer rovo89 which, free quickly, gives interface to infusing code into any application, including framework administrations permitting changes of provisions and framework administrations at run-time. One of the greatest focal points of Gravitybox is that it is not bound to any particular gadget. Really,now it ought to run on any gadget having vanilla Android 4.4 (ROM close enough to AOSP).
This undertaking wouldn't be conceivable without rovo's Xposed structure, and so immense praise to him.
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