ai.type Keyboard Plus APK v2.2.0.4
Requirements: 2.0.1 and up, GMod.
Overview: these is The BEST console on the Android Market!
In excess of 10 million clients LOVE ai.type!
** Plus Users – Download and revel in all peculiarities everlastingly (Completion, Correction, Swipe , Prediction ,Emoji and others ). **
Presently propelling a just out of the plastic new premium adaptation with essentially enhanced next word expectation competencies and a reviving "Level" outline, ai.type is the most brilliant Android console with setting mindful gimmicks. ai.type empowers next word expectation, new finish line, full remedy and spelling and syntax check as you write. It's among the 10 heading benefit applications in excess of 35 nations.
15 June 2014
What's New
• new Send your companions your arranged toward oneself topic
•now Save your altered topics in the Theme Gallery to do a reversal to later
• full Supports new "World Cup Live Online Theme" - see World Cup scores and timetables on your console!
• New, view overhauled Theme Gallery
• Improved forecast of email and telephone numbers
• Setting to impair Call & Mail popup catches
• Improved execution + bug fixes = better forecast and adjustment!
•very High definition
Download links