Conquest of Elysium 3 APK v1.0
Requirements: 2.3.3 and up
Overview:The full diversion could be portrayed as a system roguelike, it is plays quick and you can kick the bucket rapidly on the off chance that you are unfortunate. Planets are haphazardly produced, so no two recreations are the same. It is likewise an uncalled for amusement, new arbitrary occasions can wreak destruction upon the world and diversion changing beasts or areas might be experienced.
Key Features:
* 18 distinctive verifiably, fancifully, or anecdotally propelled classes that are special, both in assets they require and the ceremonies or uncommon capacities they have
* Tailor diversions to your loving by controlling the guide size, rival's classes, AI levels, and cooperations
* Magic things that run in forces, for example summoning units to fight or rendering an unit undetectable
* Interesting gameplay flow, for example, imperceptible,lasting fight pains; stealthy, or shape-changing units you ought to have scouted for; summoning happened or having poor results; entrances opening to different planets; vendors touching base from faraway grounds; hired soldiers on rebate; libraries to study at; legends joining your reason; grandiose movement; occasional changes that can influence armed force development; and so forth.
* Six social orders that set the chronicled background for your diversion and influence the design and current state of the scene, along these lines adjusting what intriguing sorts of landscape you may experience
* Copious measures of creatures and arbitrary occasions, great and terrible
* Spell framework with 42 enchantment ways
* Weapon framework that partitions strike into slice,puncture, or obtuse harm (enchantment ambushes have different sorts as well) so that certain weapons are pretty much viable against specific adversaries (penetrate weapons don't work well against skeletons, for instance)
* Hotseat gameplay (numerous players on the same tablet)
* Made for tablets. A screen size of in any event a 7 inch is proposed
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