All-In-One Toolbox Pro 29 Tools APK v4.4.2
Requirements: 2.0 and up
Overview: Holding nothing back One Toolbox gives extensive framework advancing strategies, including ongoing memory information, a single click memory speedy boosting, errand executioner, store cleaner, history cleaner, and SD record director and so forth. It grasps all variables that matter to gadget execution, and serves to advance your gadget to run at ideal velocity.
【top 29 Toolbox Features】
1. Apk Cleaner
3. Homescreen alternate way
8. History cleaner ( program, Google Maps, Market, Gmail hunt,clipboard, Google Earth history)
4. Memory status report (RAM, ROM, SD Card memory and CPU)
7. Store cleaner
5. Framework data
2. Reinforcement & Restore
6. A single click undertaking executioner
9. Call log and messages cleaner
11. Application to SD Card
14. Cluster uninstaller
12. SD Card record supervisor
23. Sensor Box Plugin
13. Cluster installer
15. Startup chief
16. Add application to startup
18. Snappy Settings plugin
17. Homescreen gadget
19. Volume Settings plugin
20. Clock Plugin
22. Authorization Check Plugin
21. Applock Plugin
24. Spotlight Plugin
27 QR and Barcode Scanner
25. Promotion Detect Plugin
28. Uninstall of preinstalled framework application characteristic
26. Compass Plugin
29. Zip and unzip
10. SD Card brief document cleaner
*simple and intelligent client interface
*tweak all framework advancing characteristics quiet
*embrace all framework advancing systems
*comprehensive a single click advancement
What's New
- Fix System App Uninstall accident issue
- Fix Quick Boost alternate route missing issue
- Fix One Key Clean stuck issue
- Other enhancement
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