System Tuner Pro APK v3.0.8
Requirements: 2.1 and up
Overview: The most finish in with no reservations 1 Android framework tuner for your telephones and tablets!
Cautioning: Requires WIFI, BT, PHONE and GPS authorizations to record telephone states. Application checked with Privacy Inspector!
Beyond question the most minimal utilization screening application! Check site for application utilization!
Errand Manager: (might be set as primary UI, see alternatives)
- Shows cpu load/recurrence, memory/inside/sd use
- Manually execute running applications
- Sort forms by begin time, cpu times, memory or by name
- Filter client/framework/bit courses of action and prohibition rundown
- Kill non physically avoided applications naturally
- Shows point by point data about running applications and methods
CPU Manager (established telephones):
- Tweak CPU representative + frequencies throughout screen-off, accessible by the boss
- Tweak CPU voltage (when accessible on custom Kernel)
- Set CPU settings on boot
- Uses OC/deamon when accessible and can debilitate it
Broadened Task Killer
- Kill applications throughout screen-on, screen-off or when widget revives
- Kill non-avoided applications naturally or physically
- Manually avoid or incorporate applications
- Display memory and SD subtle elements (RAM & inner)
- All framework applications are avoided naturally
- Manually execute piece procedures (root)
Provision Manager without root:
- Backup/restore/uninstall client applications, just Apks are moved down
Provision Manager with root:
- Remove application from boot
- Move any applications to/from framework/client/SD space
- Backup/restore/uninstall any applications and settings, including framework applications
- Clear stores or dalvik reserve (must reboot after)
- Launch and read application logcat
- Display provision information and reserve utilization
- Freeze/unfreeze applications
- Sort provision by name, information use or store utilization
Movement Recorder:
- Record all applications or all procedures
- Allows investigating past recordings without breaking points
- Record telephone states (screen, wifi, bluetooth, gps, versatile information, indicator)
- Record (alternatively at boot) exercises out of sight
- Import Battery Monitor Widget Pro information for point by point dissection!
Logcat Reader:
- Display log(cat) for each of the/one methodology
- Display portion messages
- Filter logcat by message levels or client characterized content
- Save/load logcat to/from document
Terminal Emulator:
- Keeps history of long ago utilized Linux charges
- Run charges as Super User (root)
- Save yield to document
- Run prior scripts
Framework Tweaker (root):
- Tweak IO scheduler to help execution
- Uses Linux init.d script when accessible
- App promoter on boot (APK alignement + DB cleanup)
- Tweak SD reserve size to help execution
- Tweak Android auto-murder memory settings
- Show most data (cpu, inside,memory, SD)
- Provided as outer bundles, numerous accessible
- Optionally demonstrates a configurable realistic timetable
- Show cpu load, senator,recurrence, free/utilized memory (streak/interior/sd)
- Many diverse widget foundations: HTC Sense 2/3, Google, Glassy, ICS.
- Starts 2 separate activities by clicking on the symbol or name
- Show cpu load, representative, recurrence, free/utilized memory (streak/inward/sd)
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What's New
Include 5, 10 and 30 seconds illustrations widget rate
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