free download android full pro mediafire qvga tablet Weather Labels UCCW Skin APK v7.0 armv6 apps themes games application
Requirements: Android OS 2.2 +
Overview: This is a classy weather skin for Ultimate Weather Labels UCCW Skin APK 7.0 for android application Custom Widget (UCCW), version 2.1.2 or higher. The background changes according to the weather.
This is a classy weather skin for Ultimate Custom Widget (UCCW), version 2.1.2 or higher. The background changes according to the weather.
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Installation steps:
- Open the app
- Tap on skin installer
- Select the UCCW widget from your list of widgets
- Select format 4x2
- Select "Weather Labels"
- Tap on the Touch Here hand icon.
- Resize to your liking.
To set Location and Weather:
1. Select the main UCCW app from your app drawer.
2. Go to menu
3. Go to settings
4. Choose settings
free download android full pro mediafire qvga tablet Weather Labels UCCW Skin APK v7.0 armv6 apps themes games application
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